Date: January 1st
Gestational Age: 33 weeks 6 days
Weight: 1760 grams (3 lbs 14 ounces)
Teeny tiny hands and fingers |
Today Madelyn got to wear clothes for the very first time! She is big enough now that she can start just using the heated air inside her isolette. Controlling her own heat will probably decrease how much weight she gains a day since that will use so much of her energy. She has shown improvements in her residual today. At her one feeding, she only had 1 cc left in her stomach!
Wide eyes! |
Fuzzy elephant outfit |
Madelyn cuddled with us today and Dan and I learned a very important lesson: she hates being on her tummy. She was laying on my chest, trying to cry and at the same time, trying to get a foothold on my stomach so she could roll herself.
She likes looking at Daddy
especially when he talks to her. |
Smiling while cuddling with Daddy |
Cuddling with Mommy |
We figured out how she has been turning herself onto her back from her side in the isolette. She starts with her feet on the side of her donut and pushes against it to propel herself onto her back. She even wiggles herself under the creepy hand bean bag if we try to use that to keep her on her side. With the clothes on she seems to find it harder to move around and no more taking off her heart monitors. Actually, she can't really get at any cords except her feeding tube, which she continues to yank regularly.
Fuzzy bear outfit |
Mary thanks for the daily updates. She looks so cute in her little sleepers especially the little bear one. Continuing to pray for her health and growth!