Friday, February 28, 2014

NICU - Day 98

Date: February 28th
Weight: 3160

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

NICU - Day 96

Date: February 26th
Weight: 3150

Bath over and time to cuddle with Grandpa!
"You ask me on this, the 96th day of my life." -Godbaby

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Sunday, February 23, 2014

NICU - Day 93

Date: February 23rd
Adjusted Age: 10 days
Weight: 3080 grams (6 lbs 12.5 oz)

"Seriously Mom, don't take pictures of me when I'm trying to sleep."

"Easy on the ears!"


Saturday, February 22, 2014

NICU - Day 92

Date: February 22nd
Adjusted Age: 9 days
Weight: 3030 grams

"Mommy taught me a new phrase: Booyah!"
This morning during rounds, they discontinued Maddie's amoxicillin. She has been on it because they were worried that she would get another UTI.

"Oh, yeah. Lovin' this MamaRoo."

"Excuse me Daddy, I'll take two of these."

"And this is why I love weekends...Grandmas to cuddle with."

"I know what you're thinking. I look cute in pink."

"But I look like I'm in my late 2 months, right?"

"The best day of the year is coming...or so Mommy says."

Friday, February 21, 2014

NICU - Day 91

Date: February 21st
Adjusted Age: 8 days
Weight: 2990 grams

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

NICU - Day 89

Date: February 19th
Adjusted Age: 6 days
Weight: 2920

Today was another day of teaching and cuddling. Maddie's broviac dressing came loose early this morning, so it had to be changed before we got to the hospital. I learned how to take Maddie's blood for her weekly labs today and it sounds like the hospital in Waverly is willing to work with us on having it picked up or having us drop it off there.

"I shall make plans to take control of the world."

"But first, I shall be cuddled and take a nap."

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

NICU - Day 88

Date: February 18th
Adjusted Age: 5 days
Weight: 2920

Madelyn had her cannula removed today. She wasn't really making use of it anyway, mostly it was something to pull out of her noise to make a funny sound and entertain the nurses. When we got to the hospital tonight, the nurse said that she heard Maddie talking, so went to check on her and found her talking in her sleep!

Monday, February 17, 2014

NICU - Day 87

Date: February 17th (President's Day)
Adjusted Age: 4 days
Weight: 2930 grams (6 lbs 7 oz)

"Oh beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain..."

Madelyn's overnight drip feeding is being increased to 7 mLs/hour. Her NVN is being increased from 14 mLs per hour over 18 hours to 15.5 mLs per hour over 18 hours.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

NICU - Day 86

Date: February 16th
Adjusted Age: 3 days
Weight: 2850 grams

"And then, I'll stick out my tongue and catch snowflakes.."

Madelyn had a pretty quiet morning. I do have some concern that she will become addicted to her pacifier. Any time that she doesn't have it, it seems that she is crying. I'm pretty sure it has to do with her just being really hungry, but we can't edit her feedings at this time due to the concern of her dumping. Maddie did spend some time laying in the boppy and looking at her mobile while listening to her Nemo soother.

Oxygen is for wussies. 

"Go Yankees!"

I put in an NG tube for the first time today. Maddie screamed, then threw her pacifier behind her crib. I was lazy, so I got out a new one and put it in her mouth. She then spit that one hard at me and it hit me in the stomach. She forgave me after awhile though and we cuddled.

"Me and my teddy...Teddy and Me!"

Saturday, February 15, 2014

NICU - Day 85

Date: February 15th (Happy Birthday Grandma Ann!)
Adjusted Age: 2 days
Weight: 2800 grams

Today was a pretty chill day. We cuddled and Madelyn continued with drinking her bottles well. She still doesn't like to wake up for her 9 am one very much, so I talked to the doctors during rounds and we will start her continuous feed at 8 pm and have it end at 6 am. This will hopefully help with her fussiness in the evenings too.

Singing Happy Birthday to my Grammy Ann.

Hanging out in my boppy.

Lots of kisses

Friday, February 14, 2014

NICU - Day 84

Date: February 14th
Adjusted Age: 1 day
Weight: 2790 grams

We practiced broviac dressing changes on the doll today. Mom and Dan got to practice first, and then I did it. Maddie had a pretty good day cuddling with Grammy Ann and her parents. She has been doing well with drinking her bottles.

The nurses made her a scrapbook page for Valentine's Day and it is one of my favorite pictures of her.

"Wait, a guy is going to shoot me in the butt with an arrow?
Is that like when the nurses give me shots? I don't like shots."

Thursday, February 13, 2014

NICU - Day 83

Date: February 13th
Gestational Age: 40 weeks!!!

FULL TERM! Today is Madelyn's 0th birthday. One of her nurses made her a sign to celebrate and two of her nurses made her a page for her scrapbook.

Madelyn also got a VCUG and a UA done today. A VCUG is where they put dye in the bladder and then watch it to see if it splashes back into the kidneys when Maddie urinates. This did not happen. The UA was to see if Maddie has been growing more bacteria and whether or not she has another UTI.

Sign from one of the nurses. <3

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

NICU - Day 82

Date: February 12th
Gestational Age: 39 weeks 6 days
Weight: 2770 grams

Today was a big day of meetings. I practiced the broviac dressing change this morning and then got to change it on Maddie. We also met with the home health nurse manager this afternoon to get things arranged for her "team" so that we can take her home hopefully soon. It could be as early as 3 weeks from now or as long as 2 months from now because Maddie's insurance has to approve her nursing plan.  We also got to meet with the GI doctor and ask a lot of questions this afternoon. 

Maddie had her eye exam this morning and her eyes have improved! They are both Zone 3 Stage 0 now and she doesn't have to have them checked again for two weeks. Due to this, she could start to be weened of her oxygen. She was put on a half liter cannula today and was slowly lowered to 21%. Madelyn had a follow up ECHO as well and her PDA has closed and her PFO is super tiny (3.4 mm). Maddie also got an ultrasound of her kidneys, which looked okay but with possible calcium deposits. She will be getting more testing to check this. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

NICU - Day 81

Date: February 11th
Gestational Age: 39 weeks 5 days
Weight: 2770 grams

There were no changes today. Maddie just continued to rock her life in the NICU.

Monday, February 10, 2014

NICU - Day 80

Date: February 10th
Gestational Age: 39 weeks 4 days
Weight: 2730 grams

Due to Madelyn dumping yesterday, she will now get fed 25 mLs every 3 hours from 9 am till 6 pm. She will have continuous feeds from 9 pm until 7 am.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

NICU - Day 79

Date: February 9th
Gestational Age: 39 weeks 3 days
Weight: 2760

Madelyn's feeds were increased to 45 mLs every 4 hours today. She struggled with dumping after her feedings, so they will likely go down tomorrow. I changed 4 or 5 poopy diapers in less than 4 hours today. Maddie also cried with every time she pooped. It made me think of the Cards Against Humanity card, "Fiery poops".

Madelyn had one of our primaries as her nurse today. This nurse is particularly nice because she is a Hawkeyes fan and a Yankees fan. This morning, before I came in, they played dress up and Maddie ended up in a cupcake outfit. This nurse also likes working on days when I'm not at the hospital so that she can cuddle with Maddie. Today she threatened to not let Mom into the NICU so that she could hold Maddie longer.

I have to be careful so she doesn't just take Maddie home with her.

While Dan and I went to church this afternoon, Mom came and cuddled Maddie (after fighting the nurse for her). Afterwards, Uncle Steve got to hold Maddie for the first time!