Wednesday, February 5, 2014

NICU - Day 75

Date: February 5th
Gestational Age: 38 weeks 6 days
Weight: 2695

Kissy lips!

Madelyn got her vaccines this morning. She apparently handled it well. Three shots though, which is nothing small. Polio, Hep B, DTaP, Pneumococcal Conjugate (pneumonia), and flu shots. She also has been getting the RSV shot monthly. A lot of sticks for a little girl.

Ahh! She is just too cute (and well dressed)!

She also had her eye exam today and was Zone 2 Stage 1 in both eyes. That is stable for the left eye and an improvement in the right.

Snuggled in her CRIB!

Today we were supposed to have the meeting with the in-home nursing company but they cancelled for the second time because of weather. We did see the care coordinator and I told her that we haven't seen our primary nurses since our move to Bay 3 (well, we've had one of them) and that we would also like a room with a door when it comes available. Also, that I feel like the nurses don't trust me to take care of Maddie like they did when she was in Bay 2. As a result of this, Maddie got moved across the hall to a giant room with a couch, windows, and a private bathroom. She also got to move into a crib! She struggled at first with maintaining her own heat, since she could be somewhat lazy in her isolette, but started doing better before we left to head back home.

No more going down the hall to fight for a bathroom (that always seems dirty).

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