Sunday, February 16, 2014

NICU - Day 86

Date: February 16th
Adjusted Age: 3 days
Weight: 2850 grams

"And then, I'll stick out my tongue and catch snowflakes.."

Madelyn had a pretty quiet morning. I do have some concern that she will become addicted to her pacifier. Any time that she doesn't have it, it seems that she is crying. I'm pretty sure it has to do with her just being really hungry, but we can't edit her feedings at this time due to the concern of her dumping. Maddie did spend some time laying in the boppy and looking at her mobile while listening to her Nemo soother.

Oxygen is for wussies. 

"Go Yankees!"

I put in an NG tube for the first time today. Maddie screamed, then threw her pacifier behind her crib. I was lazy, so I got out a new one and put it in her mouth. She then spit that one hard at me and it hit me in the stomach. She forgave me after awhile though and we cuddled.

"Me and my teddy...Teddy and Me!"

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