Dear Family, Friends and People Who Read This Blog,
Merry Christmas!
Since this is my very first one of these, I am not really sure what to expect. Last night my parents left for awhile and when they came back, my mom was wearing clothes that showed her legs (she called this a dress) and my dad looked really spiffy in an outfit that had matching pants and coat (a suit maybe?). Mommy was also singing songs about joy and silence. I hope that the silence song wasn't because I've started to cry more. They called this place they went to "church". I don't know what that is, but I will be very pleased if it means that I will be able to dress up in an outfit that shows my legs next year for this holiday. I will look very cute, trust me.
As a preparation for this holiday, my mom bought me pajamas. She says that's what she got as a kid for Christmas and so when she bought me pajamas for next Christmas, she found that they had matching doll pajamas which are apparently my size now. (So really, she got me pajamas for two Christmases for the price of one. A bargain dealer apparently.) It's like she thinks I am her living doll that she can dress up however she wants (the fashion show last night went a little longer than I wanted it to). I do look really nice in them though. Also, please check out my reindeer hat Grandma Ann made me. It is a little too big, but does its job. My head stayed warm while I cuddled with my parents.
My polar bear pjs |
My cupcake pjs |
Someone also left leggings and a tutu in my room this week. Mommy put the tutu on me but I had stuff on my legs so she tried to put the leggings on my arms and they were too small. Bet you can't believe anything is too small for me, can you?
Me in my beautiful tutu. |
Apparently, Aunt Renae thought it would be "awesome" if my mother put a giant bow on me for Christmas. I'm not so sure about this. Not that my concern over a big bow being put on me stopped my mom... I tried to wiggle and push it off me but she just kept putting it back on until she could get the pictures she wanted.
Giant bow. At least it matches my hat. |
Now, I heard about this Santa fellow. He apparently comes to my house and brings me presents. How do I make him my best friend? I don't need much right now, just hugs and kisses and maybe some intestines. Does he provide internal organs? That's really my focus right now, growing more of those intestine things that my mom keeps talking about.
My mom says she failed to send out a Christmas card this year (and every previous year). She really planned on sending one out this year, but then I needed to be born three months early and have had a busy 33 days. She asked that I include her Christmas update in my blog:
- Mommy and Daddy are still at the same jobs as last year (although Mommy has been on a break with me for the last two months). Mommy became a caseworker in April at her job and likes it a lot. She gets to travel a lot (except when she couldn't because of doctor's orders). She keeps saying that she misses her "big kids".
- Mommy got pregnant with me and then went to the doctor a lot this year before spending 3 1/2 weeks in the hospital and then having her BEST. DAY. EVER. (aka the day I came into this world).
- Since then she does a lot of cuddling and kissing me and trying to produce food for me which she makes Daddy take home for the freezer and he says things like, "How are we going to fit all this in the freezer?"
- Daddy mostly enjoys reading and playing me music and looks kind of scared when he takes care of me by changing my diaper or helping with my bath. He also asks Mommy a lot of questions about what the numbers on the machines and all this beeping mean. Daddy also comes up with nicknames for me every day. Always new ones and some of them are not so nice. Nickname like "Butter Turkey" and "Panda-lyn" and lots of others that I can't recall. He does not call me by my name though and Mommy says to get used to it because he hasn't called her by her name since before they were married.
- The biggest thing that happened this year is that they now have me to take care of and truthfully, if Mommy fails to send out a card next year it is because she is taking care of me and forgot again. I plan to be making her very very busy a year from now by getting into things and needing a lot of cuddling.
I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and we (me, Mommy and Daddy) are so grateful for all the love and prayers that we have received. We couldn't have gotten this far without all of you!