Gestational Age: 32 weeks 4 days
I get a lot of people asking about Madelyn's lungs. The nurses have been listening to them and they sound better (don't sound collapsed) and her labs look good but they are no longer doing daily x-rays. She spends most of her day on her back, so hopefully both lungs will stay good. Due to laying on her back so much, they gave her a gel type pillow thing. Mom says it is to avoid a flat spot but with as much as she lays on it, I don't think a flat spot will be avoided. We love her no matter the flatness of the back of her head.
Maddie had a good day today. She had some dumping overnight from her ostomy, so they have set her feedings on a pump. That seemed to help today. She had some residual at her evening feeding (3.2 ccs) but it only delayed her feeding by a few minutes. They just subtracted that amount from the feeding.
Maddie had her eyes checked today. She was at a Zone 2 (meaning her retinal blood vessels still need to do some growing) and Stage 0 (meaning the vessels are growing well). Or at least that's how I understand it. Do we have any eye doctors who could explain this better? They will check her eyes again in 2 weeks.
I finally went to find the lactation consultants about my breast pain I have been having. They told me to read a website. They also were very discouraging. I cried. Then I went to Labor & Delivery and saw the on-call doctor who suspects I have yeast in my milk ducts. More medications and needing to sterilize all my equipment every time I pump. Lucky me.
Mary, I am wondering what brand of pump they are having you use? We have Medela Symphony pumps and they have specially-programned computer cards for Moms of preemies. They are yellow. Just checking.......have your Mom contact me. Wanda RN, IBCLC