Date: November 25th
Woke up this morning and had a visit from Dr. Santillan. Afterwards I went to see Maddie with Mom. Maddie got her first name outside her room and her new arm band with her name on it instead of "Ibeling, Baby Girl". We talked with the social worker in the NICU about resources available to families with babies in the NICU. While we were talking with her, I started to feel light-headed and dizzy. Mom got me a wheelchair and took me back to my room. After getting checked out by Lastacia and having labs drawn, it was decided that I probably just waited too long in the morning to eat. We finished packing up my room and I was discharged. I wasn't able to go see Maddie this afternoon because they were putting in her PICC line. No more belly button lines! Dan saw Maddie while I was still getting my labs drawn and while he was reading to her, she pulled off one of her heart monitor thingys and tried to throw it. The nurses described her as "one of the most fiesty 28 weekers we've ever had". Her fiesty-ness must come from someone, but certainly not her mother.
Finally got her name outside her door. |
Mom drove me over to the Ronald McDonald House and Dan and I got things sorted out and put away for the most part. Dan stayed there last night, so he showed me around and I got a key to our room. It was HOT in there and we had to open the door to the outside to cool things off. A fan went on my list of things that I want Dan to bring on Wednesday after work. We then went back to the hospital to drop off milk and hang out in the NICU. Madelyn was continuing the games she likes to play and was not cooperating all that well with the nurses.
First time out of the hospital in almost 4 weeks. |
Dan and I went back to the Ronald McDonald House for supper as they had some community members who were providing a supper of salad and baked potatoes that we could choose toppings for. They had cheese, chili, onions and sour cream. Dan made sure to get his fill at supper. We also went to the mall so we could pick up some things that we needed. I also bought Maddie things that she didn't necessarily need, but will like. Dan pushed me in a wheelchair because I didn't want to overdo it. We got a family ornament that has three penguins and says our names (Mom, Dad and Madelyn). It was strange but awesome to be referred to as "Mom and Dad" instead of Mary and Dan. We have waited so long to be lame old parents and now the day has come. Maddie also needed a stocking and I got her a super fuzzy pink one.
Celebrating day 3 with Daddy |
And Mommy |
Dan dropped me off at the hospital after we got done shopping so that I could pump and spend some quality time with Madelyn. Her heart rate has been dropping intermittently, setting off the alarm and causing the nurse to come into her pod. She then usually boosts it back up to normal. Sometimes these episodes only last a few seconds, but sometimes they last a little bit longer. This is likely due to her early gestational age. The nurses today also pointed out that when they do her feedings, that they find she often was unable to digest the previous feeding. Part of this is due to her laying on her back and partially due to her young age. Hopefully this will begin to change. At her midnight feeding tonight, she still had 2.5 ccs out of her 3 ccs from the previous feeding in her stomach. At last night's midnight feeding, she had all of the previous feeding in her stomach. She also has a sign on her bed that says she needs to stay flat and midline until December 6th. It sort of bums me out because I want to hold her and cuddle her and all of that good stuff. I understand that it is due to the chance for brain bleeds and such. From what I understand, she will get a head CT scan at one week old. That should give more information to the doctors regarding what their plan should be. I got to change her diaper and take her temperature again before her midnight feeding. The nurse told me tonight that they give the babies caffeine to help them be more reactive so they don't forget to keep breathing. I was not surprised to hear from a nurse today that they were familiar with me due to my case being a "scary one". I am constantly reminded that Maddie and my path to this point has been an unusual one that has drawn a lot of attention to us.
I throw my hands up in the air sometimes,
saying "Ay-o, I'm a baby-o". |
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