Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hospitalization - Day 9 (Part I)

I should mention first thing today, that I have never had a blog or a journal go so well before. I have started a lot of journals/blogs in the past and they never lasted long or they lasted a really long time, but there were often months between entries. I have now written in this blog for 9 days straight. Unbelievable. Here's to many more entries that I can write and all of you can read!

I finally figured out what is causing my daily migraines. I think it is the bright lights in my room. Just having them on for a short time causes me to want to dig out my eyeballs. Also lack of caffeine. This morning I woke up at 4 am with a terrible migraine and started throwing up around 7:15 am. The doctors came to do their rounds and my new staff doctor, Dr. Krupp recommended that I start drinking caffeine every day. Having a doctor prescribe caffeine makes it that much better. The nurse gave me phenergan and I slept until after noon. I woke up with no headache, but by 2 pm it was back. Grrr. I think I might start taking the phenergan more often.

I finally tried out my jet bathtub today. It was super nice to just relax in there for awhile. This afternoon I also attended a breastfeeding class that was arranged by the nurse midwife and ran by two lactation consultants from the hospital. It was super informative. Afterwards, I stayed and talked to one of the other "waiting moms" as I call us who are all here just awaiting our babies' births. Entertainment Lady L stopped by and gave us our Bingo packets so we can play tonight from our rooms.

I didn't lie about the "saltines" with unsalted tops. Lame. 

Daily Info
Date: November 6, 2013
Gestational Date: 25 weeks, 6 days
Today I am thankful for: my parents who chose to take a risk and have another kid. Best choice they ever made, obviously. But honestly, I am so thankful for my parents who have always supported me and let me be my own person despite how scary that may have seemed when they saw what I chose to wear as a teenager. They have always supported me being friends with everyone I met and let me make my own decisions about who was good and who was not so good for me. My father always keeps me laughing and reminds me not to take myself too seriously. It is the sense of humor (sometimes sick) that I got from him that has helped me to not freak out after being told week after week that I was going to die by the doctors. My mother has been constant emotional support to me.
Over the last 5 months, my mother has not missed even one of my appointments in Iowa City and I think I've probably taken a couple years off her life with all my pregnancy drama. She never questioned taking off work to drive me to the University of Iowa and answers all my questions whether they are rational or irrational. I don't think I would have made it to this point without them. Best parents ever!


  1. Yum saltless saltines, no lights and whats this about Calkins becoming famous before me! Take care of you - Tonya

  2. I don't think they really risked much having you; after they saw what a great daughter they made they had another and another. You can thank me later :)

  3. Thank you Mary for the beautiful words. It has never been hard to love you and support you, you are amazing and I am proud of you and your choices. I am proud of your faith and the way you live it. I also had no risk having you, I tried to have 8 kids and that is because you are all amazing and we couldn't be more blessed. Take care of yourself and Maddie so I can spoil another grandchild!
