Monday, November 18, 2013

Hospitalization - Day 21

I woke up early-ish (6:30 am) this morning. The new resident, Dr. Krohn, came around at 6:45 am. I freaked her out a little bit by asking about her son (we had never met before). She asked how I knew about him and I told her I do my research. In reality, Dr. Taylor gave Sarah and I the heads up last week. She has to come earlier due to not having a sub-intern to help with the paperwork and reports. After she left, I got dressed and went down to Sarah's room because I thought maybe she would be up but she was still in bed. I did give her a heads up that Dr. Krohn would be around soon. I came back and waited for awhile and then went back down to Sarah's room to wait for the doctors to do rounds. I informed Dr. Taylor this morning that I'm pretty sure that my pregnancy is in semesters instead of trimesters. I told Lastascia that she can come and take pictures during my surgery.

After the doctors left, I went back to my room and took a nap. It was a glorious time. I slept really well for 3 hours. This afternoon, I worked on paperwork. I can't wait to have these progress reports done. They are not the most fun thing to do while in the hospital. We also got monitored this afternoon. Madelyn was a bit of a trouble maker by hiding at times and then moving so it looked like her heart rate dropped, but coming back on around the time the nurse would check on us. As a result, it took us an hour or so. The nurse made a good observation though, that maybe it is a good thing that she does this because it might mean that she is a fighter, which is fine for me if she fights the nurses after she is born, but I hope our last monitoring session on Thursday is one that she sleeps through. As I write this, she is kicking me repeatedly in the belly button area. It is like she knows I am talking about her and she is embarrassed that I am telling people about her dislike of monitoring. Now that I think about it, it is a pretty consistent movement and maybe it is hiccups.

Cookie flowers that Sarah got, but still hasn't eaten
(she did start eating them tonight).

This evening, Sarah and I got the nurses to print out vouchers to use in the cafeteria (we just learned that this was possible yesterday). We went down to the Fountain Cafeteria and I got spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread and Sarah got sushi (California rolls to be exact). When we came back up, we went and talked with a couple of the nurses at the desk. When I came back to my room, there was this note on the door from the nursing assistant. Turns out she was bummed because we couldn't play Cards Against Humanity tonight because she was getting sent home for low census.

Renae came up to see me and followed the note on my door down to Sarah's room. Then we came back to my room and talked all about the wedding that she went to this weekend. It sounded like a lot of fun. She also brought me clean laundry. I probably won't see Renae again until after my surgery on Friday, so we took one last picture together before I officially become a mommy.

Hard to believe I will be a mommy the next time we are photographed together.

After Renae left, I talked to Mom on the phone and she tried to come up with ways that she could sneak into my surgery on Friday. I told her that it isn't likely since Dr. Taylor has seen her several times and would recognize her. She told me that she could wear a mask and not talk. I said I don't believe that she would be able to avoid talking for that long. I am getting very excited for Friday. Bummed that Sarah will be leaving before I come out of surgery though. I told her that maybe Maddie and I will come and visit her and Walter (and her girls and husband) in the spring.

It is really 3 days from tomorrow, because Sarah gets
to go nearer to home one day early.

Other weird things about being pregnant and in the hospital: they ask you about your bowel movements all the time. I don't get asked a lot, but certain nurses always ask. They also try to give you stool softeners and iron supplements, which I think would basically cancel each other out but I refuse both. This morning, my nurse asked me when I last pooped and said that I don't want to get "backed up" before surgery. Never have I had people take such an interest in my colon. It is super weird. I think I am supposed to tell the nurses every time I have a bowel movement because they apparently keep track of that, but I don't. That's probably why she asked today. I hope she doesn't think I haven't pooped in a week (that was the last time they asked). That would be painful.

Daily Info
Date: November 18th
Gestational Date: 27 weeks, 4 days
Countdown to Baby: 3 1/2 days
Today I am thankful for: Diet Mt Dew. I started getting a headache earlier today but with Tylenol and Diet Mt Dew, it is now gone!

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