Today I am joined by Jordan Dunn, Kelsey Rosauer and Ann Rosauer. (Renae later joined and her answers are added at the bottom of each question.)
Mary (M): What do you believe there is an over abundance of in heaven?
Kelsey (K): Alcohol.
Jordan (J): And no hangovers.
Ann (A): My family.
(K): Well that was a sweet answer. I'm going to be honest, lots of Ryan Reynolds'.
(J): It's just full of six-packs.
Cael (C): Dinosaurs. Licorice.
Renae (R): Grandmas.
Kate: Angels.
M: Fill in the following sentence, "I got 99 problems, but _______ ain't one."
K: (in a sing-song voice) Herpes. G.W. Genital Warts.
A: Hemorrhoids. (pauses) Well it isn't a problem.
J: I don't have any problems.
A: You should have said "fish smell".
J: Like "bizarre fish smell" isn't one? But really, I have no problems.
R: I got 99 problems and being short ain't one.
A: Having nothing to say.
M: If you were a time traveler, what would you bring back in time to convince people that you are a powerful wizard?
A: I'd probably bring back spaceship.
J: The first season of Glee on dvd.
K: Michael Jackson? I have no idea.
J: Mike's Hard Lemonade.
R: A flabongo. Wait, I know what I would take back in time. TWERKING! Can you imagine twerking on Abraham Lincoln?
M: What's your secret power?
J: I can't tell you but I'm doing it right now.
A: I can read minds. And Jordan, that wasn't very nice.
K: I don't know, you tell me.
M: Clearing the Savanna after every meal?
A: (chuckles)
K: Yeah, you can write that.
R: My shoulders are double jointed and I can do the splits. I can push a 7 lb baby out in 9 minutes. I can save a drowning husband.
Kate: Hiding candy and not letting my mom see it.
M: What do you drink to forget?
A: Vodka!
M: No, like what are you trying to forget?
A: I drink to forget vodka! Oh, I thought you meant, what do you drink to forget - work.
K: I drink to forget that your real father is a sexual predator.
A: That's an insult to me.
K: Oh, yeah. Sorry.
J: I drink to forget the shakes.
R: Beer. I don't drink to forget anything.
M: What never fails to liven up the party?
J: Ann Rosauer.
A: Vodka.
K: (looking shocked) Me. That's an obvious answer.
R: Or a time traveling sorcerer with a flabongo.
Kate: I sing, Let's get moving baby! Yay! Yay!
M: What gets better with age?
A: Wrinkles.
J: Ann Rosauer and vodka.
A: Patience.
K: Really?
A: I'm more patient than I used to be. And children get better with age.
C: Trains.
K: Menstruation because it goes away.
R: I was going to say my savings account, but then I would actually have to be able to put money into it.
M: What is one thing you want to accomplish before you kick the bucket?
A: I want to see all my grandchildren graduate high school.
K: I would like to do something that people will remember me for, like starting a foundation. I think that would be really cool.
J: I wouldn't kick a bucket, that sounds painful.
M: How about before you die?
J: Go my whole life without kicking a bucket.
A: I want to take a road trip with Kelsey.
K: Because I'm her favorite.
A: No, because everyone else has kids.
R: I don't kick buckets, I smell them. (Poupart circa 2006). (Renae then told this entire story, but I didn't want to type that much.)
Kate: Read.
Other quotes from the interview:
I think Rihanna is my spirit animal. -Jordan
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