Dr. Taylor is in the house!
Sorry, just really excited. Dr. Jena Taylor, who I saw many times in a row at ultrasound when I was still an outpatient had her service moved up to my area. Therefore, I get to see a familiar face on a regular basis. I guess since I see all the other doctors every day multiple times, they are all familiar faces at this point, but I actually remember her name and she's been there to watch my case for the last few months. Also, I think she sort of just gets me (and my family and goals) and is motivated to get me the best outcome. Other doctors seem to look at me like I'm crazy. In short, it completely made my day to hear that I will be seeing her on a regular basis. No chance I'm falling back asleep again this morning. She is like my Meredith Grey (or maybe Addison Montgomery Sheppard because she's a lady parts doctor).
So, rounds this morning were actually super informative. Instead of just asking the same questions about gushing fluids (sorry if those two words made anyone sick to their stomach), they talked about my actual PLAN. Dr. Taylor reviewed that they would like to have a plan in place for 28 weeks but that we realize that even the best laid plans can get really screwed up by a baby and a placenta in the wrong place.
She said that in the "Big Meeting" last Thursday (the one that concluded with the decision moving me into my current digs), that the neonatalogists said that the OB/GYNs should just let me go until the day before my uterus ruptures. This made all the doctors in my room laugh and me too. I informed the doctors that if I get a random call from a psychic giving me the date of the rupture, I will be sure to let them know so that they can schedule my c-section 12 hours in advance.
Dr. Taylor also told me that they would love to deliver the baby and then have my placenta make a gentle "pop" and then they sew me up and I'm awesome again, but we shouldn't count on that. I told her that unfortunately for them, I think there is a limit to the amount of miracles I get lifetime and I've already used a couple on this pregnancy. She said to pray for one more.
Anyway, she explained the need for the oncologists (check the italics in Day 3 (Part II) for that explanation). I also found out that I am now the most high risk patient they have (the one in front on me was delivering as they were speaking to me). I'm #1! I'm #1! Okay, so maybe that is not so great, but I told them I felt like a celebrity. Not a famous one, but more like an infamous one. They agreed with me on that. The best part, I made Dr. Taylor and Dr. Greiner laugh.
Dr. Taylor and Dr. Greiner also agreed that I am able to leave the unit as long as I'm with someone and I have the number with me for the nursing desk. I told them it was important to know, because I need to do all the praying I can do and I would like to attend mass on Sunday. They fully support me praying since they don't want to find a full-on mess when they get into my lady parts. I am really, really liking the phrase "lady parts" and use it multiple times a day with everyone that I encounter.
The nurses of the day, C and a student nurse, came in and flushed my ivs and I almost started crying when they flushed the left hand one. C said that she is going to talk to the doctors because she doesn't think that in an emergency that it would even be usable. She is going to ask anesthesia to come up and check my ivs and maybe redo the left one. We're also going to try something new with the monitoring to try to get it to go more smoothly today, I'm going to eat breakfast and then wait a little while so that Madelyn will hopefully take a nap and not want to play hide and seek with the nurses.
Jordan reported last night that he wants more involvement with Entertainment Lady L, so one of my goals today is to run into her so that I can let you all know what she is up to.
Daily Info
Date: November 1
Gestational Day: 25 weeks 1 day
Weather: Partly cloudy
Entertainment: television (Kelly and Michael), and Nurse Christina finally noticed my white board! It was the message from yesterday because I didn't get a chance to change it for today yet. She laughed.
Visitors: Does Dr. Taylor count? I shall have more visitors later today!
I am happy about this blog. I like keeping tabs on you and learning new medical things (oncologist WHO KNEW?!). Keep the writing coming!