Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hospitalization - Day 3 (Part II)

Good Evening!

Dad came up and spent awhile with me. I told him all about my adventures. He was dressed as a classy redneck from what I understand. His costume was a nice sweater and jeans and a broken tooth. Poor guy. 

Dad would have smiled, but then you would see his broken tooth.

I went to an education group in the conference room today. It was also a meet and greet with the other ladies on the floor also waiting to have their babies. One of the ladies has been here a week and still has 9 more weeks before they want to deliver her. She is exactly the same as me, 25 weeks today. I am grateful that I won't be here that long. Only four of us showed up, but there are nine or ten of us here for the long haul. I will be interested to meet the rest of them. Tuesdays in craft group and at least one of the other ladies there attends that, so I hope to see the ladies again then. 

My Halloween costume.
It took until 5 o'clock before they finally found a nurse willing to put in my second iv. She was really nice and ended up redoing my other iv as well. I found out the secret to it not hurting as they insert it is lidocaine! Unfortunately, both of my ivs are now in my hands. I hope that I adjust to them quickly because right now they hurt really bad. They are 18 gauge which I have heard is pretty large. 

I tried to take a nap after they put the ivs in. Mostly I just laid here. Then I watched my regular Thursday night shows with a break to talk to Jordan. :-) It sounds like tomorrow will be a very busy day in terms of visitors. I am very, very excited! Dan will be here for the weekend "to bug" me (those were his exact words when I asked him what his plans were for the weekend). 

Tonight the nurse (ST) came to give me my night time medications and we listened to Madelyn's heart beat. She tried to hide from this nurse too. 

I should clarify part of my entry from yesterday. I wrote that the oncologist came and saw me. I do not have cancer. The oncologists are the ones that do the "lady part" surgeries and since they are unsure of what they will find when they do the c-section, they will want an oncologist there for a wedge resection or a hysterectomy. 

Daily Info
Food: Supper: grilled cheese, tomato soup, pineapple, triple chocolate brownie
Entertainment: television (Ellen, Grey's Anatomy and Scandal), music on my iPad, Candy Crush, writing on the white board and waiting for people to notice.
Visitors: Daddy-cita

And still...none of the nurses or doctors notice.

Hospitalization - Day 3 (Part I)

Happy Halloween Everyone!

Thanks to Renae & Steve and the kids, I am dressed as an angel today. Maddie chose to dress as a streaker. That girl never wants to wear any clothes. I hope that changes once she is born. 

After I wrote my last entry and decided it was time for a 5 am snack, I realized that my tank top was on backwards. Not a problem except that I had been wearing it backwards for several hours before I went to bed. I kept wondering why this tank top seemed to fit differently than my other ones. Oh well.

5 am snack
I feel like I need to address the tragedy of yesterday. I know my family and I are very disappointed with the outcome. How despicable. Now all the Red Sox fans will be talking about how they've won a World Series since the Yankees have. Come on! I would also like to point out (since the 27 rings argument has gotten boring for many) that the Yankees have a higher win % in the World Series than the Red Sox. I feel kind of like a Cubs fan saying this, but I guess there's always next year!

Go Yankees!

Obviously I was up in the middle of the night for a long time (see previous hormone-ravaged post). That led to me "sleeping in" today. I slept till almost 9:30! The residents did their rounds at 6:30 as normal and woke me up and then the staff doctor came with them at 8:15 and woke me again, but didn't have any new information. They told me to keep being boring and I am trying to follow doctor's orders. During monitoring this morning, Maddie went back to driving the nurses crazy. It took over an hour to get the 20 minutes that they needed of good monitoring because Maddie didn't want to participate with them.

Megan Cullen called me today to see how I was doing and encourage me to cause more trouble in the hospital. She said that it will keep me from getting bored when the doctors ask me the same group of questions three times a day. We had a really good talk. 

I got to get a group B strep test today. That wasn't exactly my favorite thing but considering the amount of pokes and prods I've gotten during this pregnancy, it wasn't the worst either. They're giving me a second IV too, in the other arm. Unfortunately, I apparently have crappy veins and therefore it takes a lot time to find someone daring enough to dig around in my arms. Currently, I have been waiting for over an hour for them to find someone that will even try.

Day #3 gift (aka 1 pm snack)
Daily Info
Date: 10.31.13 - Halloween!
Gestational Day: 25 weeks
Weather: Rainy
Food: Snacks: Swiss Cake Rolls, mini M&Ms. Breakfast: omelet, cottage cheese, chocolate milk, pineapple and apple slices. Lunch: marinated chicken breast with cheese, french fries, pineapple, and chocolate milk.
Something I learned: On "The Doctors" they clarified that you really CAN have the crap scared out of you.
Visitors: Apparently my dad is on his way! I will try to get him to take a picture with me to post later.

Did I ever tell you the one about the Gremlin in my hospital room?

Okay, first off, I hated the movie Gremlins. I was a little kid when it came out and I saw it. (Actually I looked it up and it came out the year I was born, so it is hard to pinpoint when my fear of it actually started - can you become afraid of a movie from the womb?). I still haven't fully recovered from the nightmares I had when I was a child. I probably just need to go on and watch it and realize how stupid it is that I don't like it. (I have been telling that to myself for at least three years, we even own the dvd, but nope, still not watching it.)

Now onto the serious business. There is a gremlin in my hospital room. Oh, tell me I'm crazy, go ahead and try. He likes to mess with my ability to sleep. See, when I got here Tuesday night, my room was a normal temperature. I was super tired from being up at 1 am that morning, so I went to sleep at like 8:30 pm. Probably around 10:45 pm, the gremlin arrived and figured out how to turn my thermostat to a temperature that I can only describe as "Satan's Winter Vacation in Death Valley". I promptly was awake at 11 pm. After turning down the thermostat, I was able to fall asleep a few hours later. The gremlin then waited a couple hours and did it again. And then I was awake. Luckily, my third shift nurse is some sort of saint of hot, sweaty, pregnant ladies and obtained a fan for me. She also turned my thermostat down low enough that the pipes should have frozen in my bathroom. And I had a great, cool day in my new abode.

Skip forward some hours and I went to bed last night and my room was FREEZING. So cold, in fact, that I almost asked for an additional blanket. It was perfect, oh so perfect. Then that little jerk of a gremlin showed up while I was sleeping and jacked with something. I don't know why he hates me and doesn't want me to sleep, but this just will not do. This is actually the second time I have been up tonight because of the heat. The first time I messed with the fan to make it move air more efficiently and I checked the thermostat and it is set where it was yesterday. I think the gremlin has figured out how to get into the heating system and boost it like Tim Taylor on Home Improvement.

As I have not watched the movie since I was a child (and my memories are just gremlins eating my brains - not actually part of the movie or so I've heard), I am unsure if there is a solution to this. Dan did make me watch a scene a couple of months ago with a blender, but I think I first have to catch him and he only comes out when I am comfortably asleep.

If you have experience in destroying gremlins, please send your resume to:

The Crazy Lady
Mother and Baby Department
University of Iowa

There is an immediate opening and I will hire on the spot.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Hospitalization - Day 2 (Part II)


This afternoon I spent time returning emails for the most part. Entertainment Lady L was back with information on the hospital library (they deliver!) and information on a craft group she does on Tuesdays. I also had a visit from the social worker who sat and chatted for a long time with me about the pregnancy, baby and insurance paperwork that Dan needed. R, the nurse, and I also ran around (her) and called around (me) trying to figure out the same paperwork. I think we finally got the forms we needed but it all comes down to the fact that HIPPA sort of bites. Basically the billing department couldn't talk to Dan because I needed to sign a specific release of information for him. I also talked to registration to make sure that they had my mom's work and cell numbers in case of an emergency. Basically it was paperwork all afternoon. It at least kept me occupied. I tried to start reading a magazine, but that didn't happen. The one doctor from yesterday and this morning stopped by again and asked me all the same questions he asked me before about whether I'm still alive. 

I had some special guests this evening. A farmer and a cat showed up at my door with their wonderful mother. They were so cute, I let them stay. They dressed me up as an angel and we attempted to build a "scary" graham cracker house. It collapsed and Kate ate all the frosting off the graham crackers. Renae decorated my room for Halloween and we took a bunch of photos. Cael wanted to call his "best friend Grandpa Wayne" who he was dressed as for Halloween. We also ate frosting right out of the can. 

Making our graham cracker house
Cael's first question when he got into my room was, "Where's the baby?" and when I told him that she is still in my belly, he wanted to see. 

Cael cracks me up. Especially when he is dressed as, "My best friend, Grandpa Wayne."
The kids in my big jet bathtub.

Renae's decorating abilities.

Finally got this picture after a bunch of tries.

All of us in our Halloween costumes.

I just want to say thank you to all the people that are praying for us. We honestly have the best family and friends that anyone could ask for. I know there are also a lot of people out there that we don't know or barely know that are praying for us. Feel free to share our story and this blog with anyone you wish. I think the biggest thing that we have all learned from this experience is that God has a plan and oftentimes it does not match the plan we have for ourselves. Having faith means accepting that His plan is so much greater than the one that we dreamed. 

Daily Info
Food: Snacks: Sour Patch Kids, Sweet Tarts. Supper: pineapple, cheeseburger, french fries, cottage cheese, angel food muffin and chocolate milk
Entertainment: television (Madea's Family Reunion, Pocahontas), celebrating Halloween a day early, writing on the white board and waiting for people to notice.
Visitors: Renae, Kate and Cael
Weather: Heavy rain
Outside Contact: Emails from Renae, Jane R, Katie B and two of my work kids. Phone calls with Renae and mom. Lots and lots of facebook messages/comments. (I should mention that I talk to Dan multiple times every day through phone calls and IMs.) 

My plans for the day - Day #2

Hospitalization - Day 2 (Part I)

Greetings from Room Six!

I finally fell back asleep after 2 and slept until morning rounds. They came in and asked me if I was still alive and breathing (not really, but that is basically their intent). Then the nursing assistant came in and took my temperature and blood pressure. I ordered breakfast and it takes about 45 minutes for the meals to arrive after I order them. My room was still super hot so I got my 3rd shift nurse S to find me a fan and it has been much better in here since then. We also turned the thermostat down as far as it goes. I was then able to go back to sleep for an hour.

My 1st shift nurse R was back today. She took down my medications that I would like. I talked to her about how I haven't been sleeping well and they prescribed Ambien prn. Yeah, that will be interesting if I choose to take it. They also prescribed me an iron supplement but I refused it because my iron level is really good (I made R check my blood tests from yesterday) and the last thing I want is constipation. Secondary rounds started then and I met the staff doctor, Dr. Greiner. She said that she is going to set a date for my surgery. We made the decision that I will go at 28 weeks if nothing has happened before. She said that it may not fall right on the 21st, but close around that. I would like the 22nd honestly, and not just because it is a Friday but also that will be 7 years to the day since Dan proposed. For those that know me, I love numbers and dates and that would be pretty sweet.

I took another nap (probably the best thing about the hospital-lots of time to nap). Then it was time for our daily monitoring. Maddie was a much better participant today and did not give Rachel a lot of trouble. She got really active during that time and I think it is her way of showing the doctors that she is going to make their life more interesting. The recreation therapist (aka Entertainment Lady L) stopped by and I entertained her with Maddie stories. I also got to see the oncologist today who talked to me about best case and worst case scenarios of her involvement. Basically best case is I come out of the c-section with a uterus, but no one knows how much and worst case is a hysterectomy. She didn't have a lot to share and I didn't have a lot of questions for her. She said there will be other oncologists probably stopping by to see me.

For fun, I checked my work email (I just can't stay away!) and called my favorite JCO to discuss a troublemaker. We talked for almost 40 minutes. With my ADHD, I think I'm going to have to set an alarm on my phone to remind me to order my meals because I nearly forgot to order lunch. I had to wait for a nursing assistant to wrap up my iv before I could take a shower, but that helped me feel better. I was starting to feel icky due to just sitting/laying in bed all day. It is good to put on real clothes instead of just hanging out in my pajamas all day.

Opened gift #2 below and surprisingly waited until noon to open it. Kelsey says it reminded her of me because I had a roommate in college who was overheard on the phone saying, "If my roommate would just stop laying in bed eating Ho-Hos and drinking Diet Coke, maybe she would lose weight." It irritated me because #1 I am hot just the way I am and #2 I hate Ho-Hos. I was laying in bed drinking Diet Coke and eating Swiss Cake Rolls. Little Debbie all the way! Also, I will only be sharing these with Maddie, who I'm sure will enjoy the extra sugar boost and will do flips to keep me from my frequent naps. 

Day #2 gift 

Daily Info
Date: 10.30.13
Gestational Day: 24 weeks 6 days
Weather: Foggy and cloudy
Food: Breakfast: mushroom and ham omelet, french toast, chocolate milk. Lunch: cottage cheese, pineapple, apple slices, grilled cheese, tomato soup, cheesecake.
Entertainment: television (Home Improvement, My Little Mermaid), facebook
Movement: Maddie was especially active during monitoring again today.  
Sleeping: Slept from 2-630, 730-815, 845-1030am
Outside Contact: Emails from mom, Pam, Deb, John & Gina and two of my work kids. Phone calls from mom and Kelsey. Texts from Megan and Jordan. And IMs from Dan. :) 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Hospitalization - Day 1

Today I was admitted to the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics to wait out the birth of our little "Gummy Bear". Thus far it has been pretty uneventful (and we are very grateful for that!).

I arrived at the U of I for my scheduled ultrasound at four o'clock. They did all the normal measuring things. I should be at 24 weeks, 5 days and she was a little behind that, but still in the right range. Kelsey, Mom and Deb (Dan's mom) came with me today and Kelsey got in trouble for taking pictures of the ultrasound with her phone. Basically they just asked her to stop, but it was weird because I guess none of the rest of us had ever thought of doing that despite so many ultrasounds down here over the last few months. Darn those young-uns! 

After the ultrasound they sent me up to my room that will be my home for the next few weeks. Two doctors came in (don't recall their names) and reviewed all the scary stuff and I signed releases for blood transfusion, c-section, wedge resection, and hysterectomy. I obviously hope that everything goes well, but they are preparing me for the worst. Then a nurse came in and looked for a good vein to shove a giant needle in. She failed. Sent in several more nurses. Finally, one shoved the giant needle into my arm and searched for a few minutes, just poking the thing around until she found the vein. Glad to be a human pin cushion! I will have to leave the IV port in so that they can give me blood in an emergency.

Dr. Michelle Kompare (neonatologist) came in and talked with me about the numbers and answered questions. She was a lot more positive than I expected and I am hoping to see her when Madelyn gets to the NICU. Dr. Kompare said that the U of I's rates of success with 25 weekers is around 90%. I couldn't hope for much better than that (especially since I'm planning to get past Thursday). She answered a lot of Mom's questions and I didn't really have a lot to ask because I still don't really know what we're looking at. I really liked her. 

Mom, Kelsey and Deb unpacked my bags and Kelsey and Deb both brought me care packages to entertain me. Deb's mostly included food (she must know what Dan will need to be comfortable and happy when he is visiting) along with a couple of magazines and a cross that says, "God Bless This Baby". Kelsey's gift requires patience on my part. There are envelopes/small packages to open each day to entertain me. 

Part of my Day 1 gift. Kelsey brought these and we immediately opened them up  and started eating them.  
They will need to monitor Maddie and I daily for half an hour. Today, she messed with our nurse R right at the end of R's shift. I think we need to work on empathy! Every time Rachel got the bands on and she attempted to leave the bedside, Maddie would move and make R start over. Mom was very entertained by this. Finally the charge nurse came in and Maddie decided that the games needed to end. As a result of this, I was hooked up for almost an hour. 

Mom, Deb and Kelsey left around 7 and I pretty much ate and then fell asleep after the monitoring. I was hungry and so, so very tired due to getting up at 1 am. Soon after I fell asleep they came in and had to do my vitals but I was still pretty much unconscious. I was able to sleep from 8:30-11 but then woke up because my room was super hot. I tried to find a nurse, which took almost 10 minutes and made me realize that I hadn't actually left my room since I had gotten up here. 

I really appreciate all the emails, texts, facebook messages and prayers that Dan, Maddie and I are receiving. I have not been awesome about returning messages and for that I apologize. I feel like the last two weeks have been a whirlwind and I hope that this blog will help everyone to stay updated and then I won't forget to update anyone! Also, then people can check in when they are curious. 

Due to it now being past 1 am, I should probably try to sleep again as the doctors will be back to probe me between 6 and 6:30 am.

This guy came with me to the hospital. He/she is a gift from Kate and Cael and has a voice box which says "Love you Maddie" in each of their voices. 
Daily Info
Date: 10.29.13
Gestational Day: 24 weeks 5 days
Food: Lunch at Beck's (mmm...chicken tortilla soup!). Supper was grilled cheese, tomato soup, chocolate pudding and cottage cheese.
Entertainment: television (Hunger Games, Despicable Me, Keeping Up with the Kardashians), Candy Crush Saga
Visitors: Mom, Deb and Kelsey dropped me off
Movement: Maddie has been moving a lot today. Specifically from 11am-1pm and during our monitoring tonight. She had some really big kicks tonight during the monitoring. 
Sleeping: Woke up at 1 am and couldn't fall back asleep. Fell asleep at 8:30 pm and slept till 11 pm. 
Things I learned: My daughter is a practical joker with the nurses. The numbers are less scary for Madelyn, but there are no promises.