Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hospitalization - Day 3 (Part II)

Good Evening!

Dad came up and spent awhile with me. I told him all about my adventures. He was dressed as a classy redneck from what I understand. His costume was a nice sweater and jeans and a broken tooth. Poor guy. 

Dad would have smiled, but then you would see his broken tooth.

I went to an education group in the conference room today. It was also a meet and greet with the other ladies on the floor also waiting to have their babies. One of the ladies has been here a week and still has 9 more weeks before they want to deliver her. She is exactly the same as me, 25 weeks today. I am grateful that I won't be here that long. Only four of us showed up, but there are nine or ten of us here for the long haul. I will be interested to meet the rest of them. Tuesdays in craft group and at least one of the other ladies there attends that, so I hope to see the ladies again then. 

My Halloween costume.
It took until 5 o'clock before they finally found a nurse willing to put in my second iv. She was really nice and ended up redoing my other iv as well. I found out the secret to it not hurting as they insert it is lidocaine! Unfortunately, both of my ivs are now in my hands. I hope that I adjust to them quickly because right now they hurt really bad. They are 18 gauge which I have heard is pretty large. 

I tried to take a nap after they put the ivs in. Mostly I just laid here. Then I watched my regular Thursday night shows with a break to talk to Jordan. :-) It sounds like tomorrow will be a very busy day in terms of visitors. I am very, very excited! Dan will be here for the weekend "to bug" me (those were his exact words when I asked him what his plans were for the weekend). 

Tonight the nurse (ST) came to give me my night time medications and we listened to Madelyn's heart beat. She tried to hide from this nurse too. 

I should clarify part of my entry from yesterday. I wrote that the oncologist came and saw me. I do not have cancer. The oncologists are the ones that do the "lady part" surgeries and since they are unsure of what they will find when they do the c-section, they will want an oncologist there for a wedge resection or a hysterectomy. 

Daily Info
Food: Supper: grilled cheese, tomato soup, pineapple, triple chocolate brownie
Entertainment: television (Ellen, Grey's Anatomy and Scandal), music on my iPad, Candy Crush, writing on the white board and waiting for people to notice.
Visitors: Daddy-cita

And still...none of the nurses or doctors notice.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading these! Even though I talk on the phone with you every day it is entertaining to read this. Have a great weekend with your visitors and Dan! Love you!!
