Tuesday, December 10, 2013

NICU - Day 18 (Part IV)

I have never written a "Part IV" to any of my days at the hospital. I feel like that should make all of you feel lucky. The hospital has quieted down a lot since my last entry. Mom is staying tonight at the hospital with Maddie and I. I think she feels the need to keep an eye on us in case we decide to throw a party. Mom loves a good party.

Maddie is pretty quiet tonight, but is able to move around a little more again now that her surgery medications are wearing off. She has returned to sucking on the tubes in her mouth since she is not able to use her plug.

I am still amazed at how well she is doing. She just keeps showing how wonderful God is and reminding us of his grace. I look at the other families and babies in the NICU and I feel so grateful for the support and love that we have from our family and friends. There are babies here who are never visited and families who openly fight with each other over the phone and in the waiting room. I am so glad that this type of behavior is not part of our reality.

This evening one of our favorite nurses from Bay 2/3 came by to talk to us. She was the one that was working last Friday when I got to kangaroo hold Maddie and she's also originally from Wisconsin, which of course means she's almost family. She was also sad about Maddie's sickness but was so happy to see that she is feeling better. It is amazing how close you become to the nurses that care for your child. Also, she's single if any of my single, male cousins are looking for a girlfriend or wife. We kept Erin here for a really long time until she said she'd better get back to her actual job (which apparently is not talking to Mom and I for hours - shocker!).

While we were waiting for Maddie to get out of surgery earlier today, Lastascia came by to talk to us and give me a hug. We have so many great people that we have met here that are huge supports to us. I am hoping that the other doctors will be able to stop by and see us soon. I still want a picture of Dr. Swanson with Maddie. That's something she needs for her baby book!

As a result of her progress, she is maintaining her own blood pressure without medication for it. Her blood gases and potassium are both good. They just came in a little bit ago and lowered some of her ventilator settings because, according to her nurse tonight, she is doing "too well". She is maintaining her oxygen levels and they have lowered assistance with that to 27% (21% is room air - so she's getting close). Before Saturday's infection, Maddie had never needed oxygen above room air, so she is trying to get back to that.

Our nurse tonight wanted to help Maddie with her recovery by putting her eye mask on her so that the lights wouldn't bother her. Maddie has never really liked this, but I did not protest as she needs to be focusing on her recovery from surgery. A little bit ago I returned to Maddie's room and went over to talk to her and this is what she looked like...

...once again proving that Maddie does what she wants. Even with ivs in both hands, she pushes off her mask so that she can show off her beautiful eyes.

Also, I wish I had gotten a photo of this, but I was in such a hurry to get back to her room post-op today, that I left my camera in the waiting room. When they took off her mask after surgery, her right eye was super swollen and sort of a purplish color. It looked like she had gotten in a fist fight in the NICU. I was glad to find out that it only looked swollen because of the extra fluids (for those that think I'm an idiot, I knew it was from the fluids, but imagining her fighting with someone when she could barely even move was funnier to imagine).


  1. I thought about high jacking the blog and putting a part 5 about what it is like to wait in a waiting room, from horrible anxiety to some crazy sh*t!!! It could be great! ;)

  2. Shes so feisty, its wonderful! Continuing to pray and send positivity your way! I hope Maddie heals quickly. Can't wait to meet your lil' nugget and give you a squeeze! ♥ Stammer
