Sunday, December 15, 2013

Professional Pictures

I thought I would share some of the professional pictures that we got back in addition to the ones I've already shared on facebook.

Notice the modeling pose - one hand up near her
head and the other near her hip. 

Look how skinny that arm is! Someday she will wish she had skinny arms. 

This was right before she started crying.

"Please stop. I'm tired of my close-up."

"Maybe if I pretend to sleep, they'll go away."

"Nope, still there."

Teeny tiny fingers...

and toes...

and ears.

BIG kisses from Mommy!


  1. Glad to hear that Maddie is doing better. Notice she has some blond hair, more than most the Rosauer babies seem to ever have had. How are you feeling post op Mary, as well as the mastitis? I hope that your recovery is going fine. Maddie is truely a fighter so now lets pray that the road ahead is much smoother for her and that she starts to grow back some of her intestines. It is amazing just how far she has come already under such very difficult and serious set backs. Continued prayers snd may God speed both your recoveries! Love Aunt Jane

  2. Oh my goodness, what a perfect little girl she is!! Love you!!
