Sunday, December 22, 2013

NICU - Day 30

Date: December 22nd
Gestational Age: 32 weeks 3 days

Today Madelyn is a whole month old! This has been the craziest month of my life. I can't believe how much has happened in the last 30 days. When she was weighed last night, she weighed 1495 grams (about 3 lbs 4.7 oz). She continues to go up and down on her weight daily, but with starting to maintain her own weight, I think that is pretty normal. Her feedings today went up to 8 mLs every 6 hours. She is still doing well with her residuals in her stomach after feedings and her drainage from her ostomy is continuing to grow. Dan saw her ostomy for the first time tonight and I thought he was going to faint. He didn't realize that he would actually be seeing part of her intestines sticking out.

Holding Daddy's hand.

Madelyn also got her first sponge bath from Mommy and Daddy. She gets a sponge bath about every 3 days, but we had not been present for one because they tend to do them on the night shift. Maddie did a good job maintaining her temperature during bath time but did not enjoy it a whole lot and started to cry.


  1. How is the collapsed lung? AUNT JANE R.

  2. What a sweet little wrinkley nugget!! Happy one month Maddie! -calkins

  3. Happy one month birthday Maddie!

  4. Still continuing to amaze! Happy holidays. -Tonya

  5. Dan looks a little nervous giving the sponge bath. Good thing he'll have plenty more opportunities to settle in. :-) Aunt Pam
