Friday, January 10, 2014

NICU - Day 49

Date: January 10th
Gestational Age: 35 weeks 1 day
Weight: 1985 grams
Length: 17 inches

Madelyn had a head ultrasound this afternoon and everything looked good! No bleeds or damage visible. She also had labs drawn today and she was a little bit jaundice.

When we got to the hospital today, Maddie was wearing newborn clothes. Her body was a bit too long for the preemie outfit she was wearing. She's getting so big! When I measured her tonight, she was an inch-ish longer than the last time I measured her. It is super hard to measure her because she doesn't like to lay still with her legs stretched out.

Maddie got to part of the afternoon cuddling with Grandma Ann because I had a doctor's appointment that took a long time. She enjoyed the time with Grandma and Grandma didn't want to put her down.

At my doctor's appointment this afternoon, they did an ultrasound and my uterus was perfectly shaped. There was some concern that I may have a bicornuate (heart-shaped) uterus and that was why Maddie's placenta had attached in the cornual area. That apparently was not the reason and her attachment was just a fluke. It is a relief because it means that the chances of me having a similar pregnancy are super low. The doctors were pretty shocked at how good the shape of my uterus was. I also had my follow-up check-up after Maddie's birth and the doctor was pleased with my recovery. I have been struggling with falling asleep, so she prescribed something that I can take as needed to help with that.

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