Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hospitalization - Day 20

This morning I was up around 7:30. I wanted to get out of the room so Dan could continue to sleep, so I got dressed and went down to Room 20 (Sarah's room) to wait for the doctors. The nurses ended up bringing my meds and doing my vitals from Sarah's couch. Then lab came to draw blood for a CBC (blood count). I told them I had just had blood taken yesterday, but that was for my type and screen. Sarah's church service started at 9, so I sat with her during that. We kept waiting and waiting, but no doctors. Eventually we had two nurses who sent texts to the doctors asking when they were going to show up. One told them that it was us asking and the other just simply told them that "The antepartums are getting restless". We ended up getting tired of waiting, so we went down to the other Sara's room (Room 12) and talked with her and her family until Dr. Krupp showed up. We asked her a bunch of questions. Sarah wanted to know about her ultrasound this week and her transfer to the hospital closer to home. I wanted to ask about something I read in my medical file yesterday (I got it legally, there was no hacking computers involved) about having a bicornuate uterus (she had to look into that). I also asked about videotaping the delivery (no), my prep time for surgery on Friday (unsure), getting a picture with the whole crew in the OR before the surgery (probably), getting my steroid shots this week (going to order them), and having Mo be my anesthesiologist for the surgery (also a no). Dr. Krupp drew us examples of different shapes of uteri and explained the different situations with each one. Eventually she had to get to other patients, so Sarah and I went back to our rooms. I decided to take a nap because I was tired from earlier this morning.

Dan woke me up this afternoon to let me know that I should probably get up soon for church. We went to mass in the hospital again and afterwards we went to the far end of the hospital to see the old wall (previously shown in the blog), the gift shop, to see the mini-ambulance and the Marketplace (for more cheeseballs obviously). Every time we went past the gift shop, Dan wanted to stop but I wouldn't let him. Dan insisted that I take the above video of the piano that plays itself. It was pretty cool.

Mini ambulance.

Dan's favorite place in the hospital.

Apple cider pie! Yum. 

Iced banana split cocoa

Dan was getting hungry, so he tried to eat the pear.

Then we came back up to my room because the microwave was broken in the Marketplace and Dan wanted to warm up some mac and cheese he had bought. We went to see Sarah to see if she wanted to go look at the winter village on 2nd floor, but her food was just arriving. We went down to see it and also saw a neat dollhouse. When we came back up to the room, we started going through things to decide what could go home today, what would be going to the NICU with Madelyn, and what we will take home when I get discharged.

Winter village

When we came back to our room, there was also a note on my pillow from Dr. Krupp. She also stopped in tonight around 7 and I was surprised she was still here, but she works until 8 am tomorrow. Dr. Krupp is also planning a party for Sarah and I for Thursday afternoon since Sarah moves back to a Quad Cities hospital on Friday and I deliver. Also, I do not have a heart shaped uterus from what she can tell from my early ultrasounds. She said that they will look for any abnormalities on Friday after they deliver Madelyn though.

How many people get notes from their doctors on their pillows?

Dan and I ordered food from Short's Burger and Shine tonight. I really liked the fries and the burger. I ordered the Beaconsfield and Dan got the Larchwood. They were both delicious. We also watched an episode of Fringe, which I had never seen before this weekend, but Dan has been watching for a week or so. Interesting show. We have been watching it at bedtime, so I usually fall asleep in the middle of an episode.

We still don't know where we will stay once I am discharged. One of the other girls who had her baby last week said that the Ronald McDonald House and the Helen Rossi Family Rooms in the hospital were all full. I might just be crashing on couches or sleeping in the recliner in the NICU until we can get a room. Not fun to not know where we will be sleeping. Mom is going to stay with me Thursday and Sunday nights next weekend and Dan will stay here Friday and Saturday nights.

Daily Info
Date: November 17th
Gestational Date: 27 weeks, 3 days
Countdown to Baby: 4 1/2 days
Today I am thankful for: gifts that people send.  See below for a new, very "special" gift I received.

Thank you Megan for this gift.
Only you would think something like this up.

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