Friday, November 1, 2013

Hospitalization - Day 4 (Part II)


Mom came to see me this afternoon and we did People Puzzlers. Madelyn somewhat participated in her monitoring today. Our nurse, CW, was awesome and I told her the whole baby story with miracles and prayers and all the fun that we've been through since June. She didn't even get frustrated when Madelyn tried to hide. She said that Madelyn loves hearing mom and I talk, so maybe that will be helpful with future monitoring.

Oncologists came to see us today and once again described what they would need to do during a surgery depending on what happens when they get inside. The anesthesiologist also came by to get my medical history and then he replaced the iv in my left hand that hurt so bad with one in my left forearm. My veins tried to fight him, but he won in the end.

Entertainment Linda's "Entertainment of the Day"

Entertainment Lady L came by too and brought colored pencils and coloring pages. I feel like my room has been busier today than most days with people going in and out. Mom left around 3:30 pm, and then I chose to take a short nap.
Day #4 gift

I also opened my Day 4 gift from Kelsey, which was a safety bath duck. Mom said it will make me feel more at home since my bathroom at home is decorated with rubber ducks.

Jordan apparently is auditioning to be a hospital model or something.

Jordan came down and brought my other suitcase. We watched our Thursday night tv shows on my laptop and started a game of Cards Against Humanity. Each person who visits for the next week gets to answer the question, "What ended my last relationship?" We have some good competition going on after only one night.

My bestie brought me more things to entertain myself.

Jordan helped me with some more People Puzzlers. Good thing too because I suck at remembering the names of all the characters on Sex and the City.

And super pretty flowers too!

Jordan also brought me flowers and a dry erase board with dry erase crayons.

Dan and Trenton came up tonight too. We took funny pictures and they brought me a Casey's pizza for supper - yummy!

Me with my delicious sausage, mushroom and onion pizza.

Dan played on my laptop and ignored us for awhile. I dropped one of my several pillows and the tv guide behind the bed and Trenton slayed a dragon and rescued them for me.*
Trenton, seeing what he'd look like in a hair net.

Dan, otherwise occupied.

I enjoyed sleeping through the night with the help of Ambien last night for the first time in months. As a result of that enjoyment, I took another tonight. You forget how wonderful it is sleeping through the night until you are able to accomplish it again. I am enjoying the sleep as I've heard that after the munchkin is born I can expect to not sleep through the night for at least 18 years.

Daily Info
Food: Breakfast: french toast, apples, pineapple, chocolate milk. Lunch: cheeseburger, french fries, soft serve ice cream and cottage cheese. Supper: Casey's pizza (sausage, mushroom and onions)
Visitors: Mom, Jordan, Trenton and Dan.
Entertainment: Ellen, watching my Thursday night shows and talking pop culture with Jordan, disgusting conversations with Dan and Trenton.
I am grateful for: my family and friends who keep me entertained by visiting and emailing/texting/snapchatting me throughout the day.

*Part of this sentence is not true, but I was coerced into writing it anyway.

A bit of a tight fit for a three person selfie.


  1. I am just kidding you had a lot going on with the IV. I loved visiting you and I wish I could be there more. I love you, mom.

  2. Mom!!! I wondered where you were too; you should have tried on the hairnet. . .but I have to say it looked like Jordan was doing some intentional posing. . . Laying on the couch with a leg in the air is typically a hint to take a picture and Trenton had the whole "hairnet" thing going on. Try harder next time mom! I mean Dad broke a tooth for the occasion and I brought cute children!

    Second thought, I wonder how many people went actually looked to see what the asterisk meant. . . count me as one! :)

  3. I looked!! Had to before I finished reading :)

  4. Too Funny Too Funny! I am glad you are being so well entertained!! Madelyn won't have to have any children over to play, she will have mom and dad!! Can't wait to see you on Tuesday! Take care Love Grandma Debbie

  5. Love your sense of humor Mary--and that of your crazy family & friends, too! And I am jealous of your good night's sleep. Between 4 kids, they woke me up 5 times last night. Ugh! Hope your good sleep continues! ~Erin
